5. Serena et al

 Serena in the Mirror

Serena is the “head” of these two groups – The Central Core and The Core-Mirror. You may have noticed that these are also the names of two of The Levels (post #28 Jan 29). This group is unusual. Many of these alters form a family with Serena at the center of it. Sean-Charlotte and The Jackal are seen as Serena’s “parents”. Angéla, Heléna and MoreDread represent her “daughters” and Caleb, Seth and Michael represent her “brothers”. Why Serena did this we are not sure but we think she wanted a family of her own. But there was bitterness in her creation. She and The Jackal, who is supposed to be her “father”, created Angéla and Heléna together, products of incest. Why did she do that? We don’t know.

Serena-AnereS (female)
Lives in The Core-Mirror, thus her name is spelled backwards and forwards. She emerged in 1996 when she was 43 years old. She was created by The Source (8) to deal with a specific abuse. She’s also a shape shifter – sometimes woman, sometimes lion.

When Serena first made herself known to us, she was a character in a story. Most of us didn’t think she was an alter but as the story got written we began to question who she was. She felt much more than a character in a story. There was something very powerful about her. And angry.

The Central Core:
The Jackal (male)
Emerged in 1996 at the age of 43. He is Serena’s “father” and helped her in a situation of abuse – taking the role of a jackal à “a person who performs menial or degrading tasks for another”.  He also represents the incest with our stepfather.

The (5) Angels of Death (females, male)
emerged when they were between 4 to 7 years old, in 1996. They were created by Bunker and are tools that were seen in an actual bunker. Each Angel is one tool. They are sometimes called The Instruments of Death. There are 4 females and 1 male. Their ages now range from 15 to 19 years old.

Angéla (female)
Emerged when she was 12 and is now 24. She has been the keeper of family secrets and the protector of her twin sister Heléna. A dysfunctional family has it’s dirty secrets and someone needs to protect them. When we attended an education and support group for survivors of abuse the issues around those secrets were in our face. Angéla believed that no one could possibly help us because we weren’t allowed to talk about the abuse. But she was dying to tell and it caused her so much pain.

Heléna (female)
Angéla’s twin, created by Serena and The Jackal together –  a symbolic act of incest. We are not sure of her exact role but we know that Angéla had to protect her. She is now 24 years old.

The Bone Crusher (female)
Emerged at age 8 and was also created by Bunker. An abuser had told us he would “crush every bone” in our body thus this alter. Why hold onto that? Because, God forbid we should forget the threat, become complacent and not on guard. The Bone Crusher was a warning to us to not tell and to be very careful how we behaved or someone would come and crush us to death.

Bunker (male)
Emerged in 1996 at the age of 43. He was created by The Jackal to help Serena and Dog-GoD in their situation of abuse.

Caleb (male)
Is one of Serena’s “brothers”. He emerged in 1996 at the age of 43. He also helped Serena in a situation of abuse. Named after our abuser Michael’s alter.

Michael (male)
Also one of Serena’s “brothers”, emerged in 1996 at 43 years old. He also is named after Michael, our abuser.

Seth (male)
The third of Serena’s “brothers” and also named after an alter of Michael’s.

Sean-Charlotte (female)
Serena’s “mother”, she emerged in 1996 at the age of 43. She actually tried to emerge way back in 1984 in a therapy session but it was too early. We weren’t ready then.

The Core-Mirror:
Dog-GoD (male)
Was created by The Jackal and emerged at the age of 9. He is now 20 years old.

MoreDread-DarDroM (or Ruth Ann-NinA-TuR the Enabler) (female)
Holds the Third Mirror at Level 14. She emerged when she was 19 and is now 32. She was created by Serena and went on to create Stoene Boy (6st). There is much we don’t know about her yet.