Friday, April 1, 2011

161. All of who we are

(click on the cartoon if you can't read it. it will zoom in larger)

Okay we seem to have bounced back to a more normal mood and our motivation to do our blog has come back. Whew! We were worried. We do have a tendency to change our mind about projects and suddenly stop them and do something new. But we were really hoping that wasn’t what was going on. We still feel a little under the weather and don’t fully understand what is going on with our body but it needs care. That much is clear.

Today we are going to spend a little time with one of our favourite neighbours, little 5-year-old Ivy. We told you about her in our post #101 (Feb 26). She is so adorable and sweet-natured. Today Ivy and us are going to visit some friends of ours who have an almost 5-year-old named Charlotte. The two girls have never met. We are hoping they like each other and maybe the three of us can do some things together at some time. Charlotte is an amazing little girl. She is so interesting. For a long time she has been very clear about the things she likes and the things she doesn’t like. She doesn’t like the song “Happy Birthday”. She used to hate “goodbyes”. She is an intriguing little girl. We are excited about getting the two girls together. They are both very sweet wonderful girls and we feel very lucky to know both of them.

A lot has happened over the last few days. Besides feeling extremely fatigued we have been rearranging a lot in our home. We have also been watching a lot of old movies. There have been times when we couldn’t watch them at all. They made us feel sick, literally. We would feel nauseous at the sight of one. But we pushed to get over that and now are enjoying them again. Old movies can be very triggering for us or they can make us very nostalgic for the good things in our past. Our childhood wasn’t all bad. Not by a long shot. There were times we felt cozy at home. When our mom was home. Even at a younger age, at James Street, we spent time with our landlady when our mother was at work. Olive had a huge tv and we seem to remember Westerns the most. We would often play with Olives grandson, pretending to be cowboys.

We know too that some internal shift has come about but we don’t know what or who has changed. We just feel different. We have had a few nightmares this week and we have been spending long hours in bed, up to 11 hours a night sometimes. Anyway, lots of stuff going on but time for more info. ....


A refresher of our system – this is all who we are

Group 1:    The Others                                                                           20 alters
Group 2:   The More Others                                                                16 alters
Group 3:   The Thirteen                                                                        13

Group 4:   Gaetway                                                                              9
                   Archimedes’ Net                                                                8
                   Una’s Brood                                                                        18
                   The SeibaBs (Babies)                                                          3

Group 5:   Serena et al
                   The (Central) Core                                                            14
                   The Core-Mirror                                                                3

Group 6mf – Mainframe:
                      The Codes                                                                         9
                      The Quynns                                                                      5

Group 6st – The Stoene                                                                       22

Group 6r – The Red                                                                              5

Group 7:      The Resistance                                                                 24

Group 8:      Independents                                                                   12

Ganou (The Cradle)                                                                             1
Hartly                                                                                                      1
Shelta                                                                                                       1

      TOTAL                                                                                              184

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