Saturday, November 12, 2011


From the beginning, back in 1990, I, Shell (1, 2), thought and thought and wrote and wrote and yearned to step out of the box, the cage, the prison I felt trapped in. I wanted to step beyond the boundaries of everything I had learned in life, everything I had been told.

But it wasn’t just me-Shell that wanted that. It was all of us Inside that had that desire. Eventually we called it The Hole in the Fence. If we could step through that hole, we could see beyond everything we knew, beyond what we have learned to call “Reality”.

The Fence is the boundary we all know. The language we all share. This is a “table”, this is a “door”, this is “green” and this is “red”. And this is how you behave. Follow the rules. Well we wanted to break out of those rules. We don’t fit those rules. We don’t feel like those rules. We don’t fit inside the Fence. To be all of who we are we have to go beyond the borders, beyond the Fence, through The Hole in the Fence.

“...the mere act of journeying, or otherwise moving outside the bounds of the familiar, shakes up old attitudes, disrupts customary patterns of thought, and unleashes the expression of previously unconscious factors” (Life’s Companion” by Christina Baldwin).

It is part of our quest. To reach beyond. To express our full potential. To bring the subconscious to the conscious. To see beyond this Reality, beyond our Consensus Reality. TO BE ALL OF WHO WE ARE. To scream, to shout, to rant and rave, to dance, to sing, to screech with joy, to rage with madness, to be creative to the nth degree, to expand, to grow, to live.

“... to a great extent ‘Reality itself is a lie agreed upon’” (Baldwin)

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